Best Way to Add Tropical Vibes to Your Home | Birds of Paradise

Are you looking for a plant that can be grown indoors and outdoors? Birds of paradise ( strelitzia reginae) is a plant whose flowers resemble the tropical bird of the same name and therefore serve as a center point of attraction. The best thing about the plant is that it can be easily shifted outside in summer. Although it usually flowers in early spring and late winter, it can bloom at other times of the year if the optimal conditions are provided. The leaves directly emerged from the soil which means no trunk and are closely related to the banana plant in terms of appearance. You can order or find this plant easily by searching plant nursery near me.

Guide on Plant Care & Growth Tips

  • Light Source

To bloom properly, this plant requires bright light, including some direct sunlight. However, it must be protected from the midday summer sun, which can burn the leaves of younger plants. A good location is in a room with east or west-facing windows, avoid north-facing windows. 

  • Soil texture

For the potted plant, try to use a well-drained, rich compost mixture in order to give the ideal soil condition. To avoid root rot, ensure that the pot has sufficient drainage holes to allow water to run through the soil and flow out.

  • Watering 

Maintaining constant moisture in the soil throughout the year is helpful in plant proper growth. While it should not be waterlogged, expect to water it daily in the spring and summer because its large leaves lose moisture easily due to excessive heat. Water it until you see water draining from its drainage holes, but don’t let it sit in a pool of water. If the plant is overwatered, it will develop crunchy brown leaves and if underwatered, then leaves closest to the center turn yellow. Therefore, try to water the birds of paradise in a limited and suggested way.

  • Temperature and Humidity

The high humidity is ideal for the bird of paradise which means it can easily tolerate the high temperature in summer. If your house is dry, keep a spray bottle on hand to mist it daily. In the winter, keep the air temperature above 60 degrees Fahrenheit because it is a cold-sensitive plant that recovers slowly from frost damage.

  • Fertilizer

Birds of paradise is a heavy feeder, feeding it in springtime with slow-release pellets and with liquid fertilizer during the growing season weekly.

Common Problems With Solution

  • Browning of Leaves

The common disease that affects strelitzia is Root rot. It happens when the plant is overwatered and the soil gets soggy for a longer time, a fungus can cause root rot. This can be managed by letting the soil dry out before watering again.

  • Plant Curling Leaves 

It is a sign that shows that the plant is underwater. It can be avoided by watering the plant regularly in limited portions, plus ensuring water runs freely from the pot otherwise it’ll cause root rot.

  • Yellowing Leaves

The reasons behind the yellowing leaves can vary,  If the plant is mature enough then occasionally the leaves turn yellow, this can be a sign of the normal life cycle of a plant leaf. If many leaves turn yellow that means the plant doesn’t have enough humidity.

  • Slits in the Leaves

It’s natural and normal for strelitzia to develop slits or breaks in the leaves, especially if your plant spends some of the years outside. The plant grows slits to allow air to circulate around its leaves and roots. Slitting is aided by wind and breezes. Mold and other pests are kept at bay by air circulation.


The best way to successfully grow the birds of paradise indoors is bright and direct sunlight, regular watering, and warmth. Feed the plant with organic fertilizer early in spring before new growth begins. Potted the plant in a container that can be easily shifted outside in summer and brought inside in winter. By searching on Google, for a nursery near me, you can find it easily and quickly.

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